티스토리 스킨 - D-DL Calendar skin by 들_


프로필 가사 / Profile Song Lyrics

Song まるいうなばら by ごーぶす / GoBS

Youtube @GoBSOfficial / Twitter @Chill_with_GoBS

Skin #1 - まるいうなばら

배경 일러스트 / Background Illust

Illustrator airy.i.ray

Twitter @airy_i_ray

Source https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/81940969

Skin #2 - RyoVendingMachine

배경 일러스트 / Background Illust

Illustrator JLT4n

Twitter @JL_T4N / pixiv JLT4n

Source https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/103477739

Skin #3 - Ryo暗

Generative AI Illust by pixiv MiraiMoe

Source https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/106301098



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